Descriptor Code: FAA
Entrance Requirements
A. Admittance to School
A birth certificate or other satisfactory proof of age is required of all kindergarten children entering the elementary school. State law requires that a child be five years of age on or before August 31st of the year that he/she begins kindergarten.
It is required by law that students be immunized. Under Section 23-07-17-1 ND Century Code, no child will be admitted to school without proper forms on file in the school. If there are no forms and an epidemic breaks out in school, the parent will be contacted and the child will need to go home. We require verification of immunizations and will accept statements from a physician or health authority. Please check with the school office personnel or county health services if you are unsure of the minimal requirements.
B. First Grade Entrance
Entrance in first grade shall be governed by law and enacted by the North Dakota Legislature. The public schools of the state shall be equally free, open, and accessible at all times to all children between the ages of six and twenty-one, except that children who do not arrive at the age of six years by midnight August 31 of each year thereafter shall not start school until the beginning of the following year. (15-47-01)
Entrance Requirements
A. Admittance to School
A birth certificate or other satisfactory proof of age is required of all kindergarten children entering the elementary school. State law requires that a child be five years of age on or before August 31st of the year that he/she begins kindergarten.
It is required by law that students be immunized. Under Section 23-07-17-1 ND Century Code, no child will be admitted to school without proper forms on file in the school. If there are no forms and an epidemic breaks out in school, the parent will be contacted and the child will need to go home. We require verification of immunizations and will accept statements from a physician or health authority. Please check with the school office personnel or county health services if you are unsure of the minimal requirements.
B. First Grade Entrance
Entrance in first grade shall be governed by law and enacted by the North Dakota Legislature. The public schools of the state shall be equally free, open, and accessible at all times to all children between the ages of six and twenty-one, except that children who do not arrive at the age of six years by midnight August 31 of each year thereafter shall not start school until the beginning of the following year. (15-47-01)